A. Capstone Project Statement of Intent:
a.) Identify the goals of the project.
My Project is intended to raise the awareness of Emergency Room wait times. I hope to advise hospitals on how to reduce their expected wait times.
b.)Why is it important and why should we care?
The quicker the ER wait times are, the more patients there are to be seen. This will help stabilize the hospital.
c.)How do these goals fit with your career objectives?
I hope to be working in the health care profession in the future and want to see a better system in the ER by the time i get there.
d.)How does your project give back to society?
It makes things easier for the community to know how to maximize their continence. They will like the faster system and the hospitals wont be rushing to see other patients.
e.)Address the Richland triple bottom line.
Environmental- A more stabilized check-up system for hospitals and patients
Economic- less money being put in the the debt accumulated by ER troubles
Social- Happier patients
B. Discuss look and feel issues:
a.) Will your presentation use comedy and humor or is it serious?
-For the most part serious, but I will tie in some humor to keep the setting light.
b.)What colors, fonts, design layouts, graphs, photographs and other imagery are
appropriate for the topic?
-Basic colors, bright borders to catch attention, use of pictures to keep it comfortable.
c.)How is your site, video and print material persuasive?
-there will be informative and colorful
e.)How do you make your point of view understood?
with viable information
f.)Are you intending to create:
a website
and pamphlets
C. Begin preliminary identification of Presentation Capstone elements
a) Your management of the project is important toward making a successful
b) Define the scope or approach to your presentation.
I will be diving attention towards raising attention on ER wait times.
i. Will your capstone include constructing or purchasing explanatory props
such as architectural models or other?
ii. How will you present poster material (an easel, stand)?
with an attention getter.
iii. Will you be fabricating a model or a 3d prototype?
iv. What is appropriate dress? A nurse outfit, a lab coat, a suit?
blazer and pant suit.
v. What are important points to present in your verbal presentation?
The actual presentation
vi. Will you be presenting a brochure?
vii. Will you be including presentation of the website, video, game or animation?
yes, website
b) Define the scope or approach to your presentation.
I will be diving attention towards raising attention on ER wait times.
i. Will your capstone include constructing or purchasing explanatory props
such as architectural models or other?
ii. How will you present poster material (an easel, stand)?
with an attention getter.
iii. Will you be fabricating a model or a 3d prototype?
iv. What is appropriate dress? A nurse outfit, a lab coat, a suit?
blazer and pant suit.
v. What are important points to present in your verbal presentation?
The actual presentation
vi. Will you be presenting a brochure?
vii. Will you be including presentation of the website, video, game or animation?
yes, website
1.Weekly Blog Entries
A.Update and restate your proposal.
I would like to resolve the issue on emergency room wait times.
B.Have you gained additional experience that affects your choice of media?
Not really.
C.What technologies will you use and why.
Computer and phone
D.Why did you not choose a different technology?
Because I thought it would serve best for the forms of information I'm going to provide.
E.Critique two other proposals from other students.
After extensive analysis, I found that my peers proposals (Vanessa and Frey) had amazing finesse and clarity.
F.Identify timeline for project:
1) What assets do you need to create?
a constructive website and an app
2) Identify a practical timeline for creating assets (sound, art, etc).
from now to April
3) Create a timeline for written material, scripts.
about me page, information guide, resources
4) Identify a timeline for audio recording
I will not be creating a video recording.
2. Brief Proposal Presentation to class
A. Identify the nature of your presentation
i. Theme
My theme will consist of many "medical" sort graphics to allow my audience to know that my capstone is related to the health-care division. I will probably accommodate my theme color based the poster I am presenting.
ii. Props and other assets, food, photographs, building materials
I probably will have some candy set out to attract a larger audience. I will have my laptop out to present my website, brochures on the table that will be handed out to people who are interested, and my poster hanging above me for everyone to see.
iii. Production timeline
Setup- first couple of minutes
explanation- Hours until program is complete
packing up: last couple of minutes
Flyer with information
1. a documentary on the importance of your project
Emergency Room wait times
2. an animation explaining your concept
Hospital themed
3. a narrative story that illustrates your theme
C. Include planning documents:
2.voice over dialogue or narration.
3. dialogue.
4. music.
5. storyboard, script or shot list.
6. identify needed assets:
i. actors
ii. recording time
iii. set design
D. Add blog entry discussing and summarizing your efforts.
3. Project: Develop Presentation materials
A. Create any backdrop or trifold art, Powerpoint, video, printed book, Smart Phone App and web
material needed for the Capstone Presentation.
material needed for the Capstone Presentation.
B. Options and ideas
Flyer with information
1. a documentary on the importance of your project
Emergency Room wait times
2. an animation explaining your concept
Hospital themed
3. a narrative story that illustrates your theme
C. Include planning documents:
2.voice over dialogue or narration.
3. dialogue.
4. music.
5. storyboard, script or shot list.
6. identify needed assets:
i. actors
ii. recording time
iii. set design
D. Add blog entry discussing and summarizing your efforts.
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